New Staff: Madi Wright

Meet our New Kids Coordinator

Madi Wright

May 15th, 2024 | Citylight Church | Blog
Madi Wright was born in Fort Worth, Texas, so naturally she uses the word “y'all” in most  sentences. Madi loves animals and anything and everything sports (go cowboys!!). But, after getting to know her, you will see that her love for King Jesus surpasses everything else!

Madi grew up in the church and was gifted with godly parents who loved her deeply and showed her and her siblings their love for Jesus. However, it wasn't until Madi was 20 that her life was radically changed by the Lord. In December of 2022, she hit rock bottom. She developed crippling anxiety, fell into a state of depression, questioned her purpose and had never felt more alone. Madi’s life was consumed by others' approval, anxiety and other worldly desires. She ran hard after things that only provided temporary satisfaction and she completely rejected Christ and the idea of living for Him. Prior to that rock bottom moment, she endured a lot of hardship early on in her life. Some of the suffering led her to doubting the entire existence of God and His love for her. How could God love her and allow all of those terrible things to happen?

But by the grace of Jesus Christ, now Madi’s life looks completely different! She has tremendous peace, a God given purpose, and so much more joy than she has ever experienced. Christ broke into her story and now she can confidently say that she has never known a sweeter love than Christ’s love for her.

In August of 2021, Madi met her now husband, Connor, playing volleyball at a young adults ministry in Texas. Connor moved to Colorado and then about a year later, Madi moved to CO after getting a job offer to work for the Denver Post. Jesus radically changed their relationship and they got married in March 2023. After a year of living in CO, Madi and Connor got involved in Citylight Church and became members. Madi got baptized in January of 2024 and stood up in front of our entire church, sharing her testimony and proclaiming that Jesus had changed her life!

The Lord put Ministry on Madi's heart a while back, so it felt like an obvious open door when an opportunity became available at the church for the position of Citylight Kids coordinator. One of her biggest passions is teaching the next generation to know and love King Jesus with their whole heart. She is so excited to have said yes to this role and is eager to see what the Lord has in store for Citylight Kids. Her prayer is that God would use her to better proclaim His name through this ministry.

Outside of the ministry in the church, Madi works in a veterinary clinic. She enjoys spending her time taking care of animals and connecting with people! For fun she particularly enjoys hiking, paddle boarding, jamming out to country music, photography, road trips, and spending quality time with her friends and family!  

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