A movement of church planting in Colorado and the nations through reaching the next generation.

We exist to multiply disciples and churches.
Down | The Gospel
The gospel is the good news that God saves sinners through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. God has reached down to us. Jesus has done what we never could. This gospel is the power of God to save sinners and transform neighborhoods and nations (Rom 1:16). The gospel isn’t just the ABCs of following Jesus; it is the A to Z of following Jesus. It is of first importance in all we do as a church (1 Cor 15:1-4).
Up | Spiritual Formation
The gospel is such wonderful news that we can’t help but respond in faith, repentance, and worship. This means we look to Jesus for everything in our lives and our church. We trust him with every aspect of our lives. We also respond with repentance—real change that comes from loving Jesus more than anything. We respond to God with worship, both in our lives and gatherings. We celebrate God’s presence, welcome his Spirit, and preach his Word in response to all he has done for us.
In | Community

The church is not a place but a people. It’s more than a weekly assembly of individuals, but a humble, joyful community committed to loving each other and doing life together. The primary expression of community in our church will be City Groups, where we connect to, respond to and share the gospel. We will not settle for only being a weekly service for people to attend, but will continually invite people to share their lives with others as “a people for God’s own possession” (1 Peter 2:9).
Out | Mission

The church is God’s missionary agency to reach the unreached with the gospel. Missions is not just one ministry within the church, but the overriding orientation of our church. The same gospel that transforms us internally also compels us outward on mission. We exist as a church to be “a city on a hill” and “the light of the world” (Matt 5:14). We do this by orienting each of our City Groups around a shared mission—seeking to love, serve and make disciples throughout Fort Collins.
We gather on Sundays
We gather on Sundays for singing, preaching, sacraments, and stories. Just as Christians have been doing for 2,000 years, Citylight gathers on Sundays to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, delight in His Word, worship Him together, and remember the Lord’s Supper and baptism. These Sunday gatherings serve the broader mission of multiplying disciples and churches, equipping disciples of Jesus to scatter into City Groups and eventually multiply churches.
We scatter into City Groups
We scatter throughout the week into City Groups, the heart of Citylight Church. They are not an optional program or a seasonal Bible study. A City Group is a mid-sized community (15-40 people) who are growing in the Gospel, listening to the Scriptures, connecting as a family, and serving a specific neighborhood or network in the city. These groups are small enough to care for each other’s growth in Christ, but big enough to dare to engage the culture around them. As disciples multiply among Citylight, so will City Groups and churches!