Our gathering begins at 9:30am on Sundays
833 S Taft Hill Rd.
833 S Taft Hill Rd.
- All are welcome regardless of your spiritual background.
- Feel free to dress and come as you are.
- Kids Ministry available (see more details below).
- You will experience musical worship and a Christ-centered message.
- Parking is located behind the building or in the grass field north of the building.
- Coffee and donuts will be served outside after each gathering.
- Visit our "Next Steps Table" after the gathering to get more involved in Citylight Church, or click the lick below now!
Citylight Kids
We have a full kids ministry (birth - 5th grade) every Sunday.
For more information on our children's ministry, check out our Citylight Kids page.
For more information on our children's ministry, check out our Citylight Kids page.