Citylight Kids Policies

We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve Citylight families. Sunday gatherings are a great space to see kids worship and grow in Christ alongside their peers and our serving team. Citylight Kids will open for Check-In 15 minutes prior to the start of service  and closes 20 minutes after service begins.

All serving team members will go through the application/background check process prior to serving during a Sunday gathering.

Citylight Kids will have a Check-In table at the entrance with serving team members ready to help with this process.  For the security of the children, we will be using a label system. The labels printed will be used for checking in a child and also for checking out a child as well. No child shall be checked out without having a matching label that corresponds to the child's label to identify the parent/guardian that is getting checked out.

Citylight Kids will have designated classrooms for their age group.  
  • 0-2 yrs
  • 3yrs-Kindergarten
  • 1st-3rd Grade
  • 4th-5th

Each classroom will have serving team members to care for and help children learn. We have put in place some guidelines to ensure the safety and security of Citylight Kids.  Never shall a child be alone with a young adult/adult volunteer.

Citylight Kids has a strict bathroom policy that must be followed without exception.
Only the female team members or parent/guardian will help in restroom breaks. Two volunteers will assist in bathroom breaks to ensure the highest level of accountability and safety. Never will a child be left alone with a serving team member.

Only female nursery workers will undertake the diapering of children of either sex in a Citylight Kids classrooms.

If your child has a minimal incident that requires the use of first aid, (band aid, insect bite lotion, etc) a citylight kids team member will apply the first aid. If the incident is of larger scale then just applying a band aid, we will find the parent/guardian to inform them and assist in any way possible. We will also be documenting the incident for the CLK directors and parents reference.

The check in tables and in the classrooms we will have hand sanitizer.  All toys and playthings will be sanitized at the beginning of each service.If your child has a minimal incident that requires the use of first aid, (band aid, insect bite lotion, etc) a Citylight kids team member will apply the first aid. If the incident is of larger scale then just applying a band aid, we will find the parent/guardian to inform them and assist in any way possible.

We want to thank you for your partnership with Citylight Kids. We believe in a good God and have confidence in Him. The harvest is ripe in the hearts of the young ones we welcome and we are hopeful as we trust the Holy Spirit to move in each kid we serve. We are so thankful for the opportunity to serve you and your children!  

We want to help kids meet Jesus, imitate Jesus and share Jesus!

In His good grace and love,

Madi Wright  and CLK team.

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