Week 3
## Main Idea
In order to live as people with a purpose, we MUST consistently live into God’s design for Sabbath rest. We want to be people who let our activity for Christ flow from our intimacy with Christ. We want to let our doing for God flow out of our being with God. We want to see transformation in our city come from deeply transformed lives. **The goal of this week is to practice the Sabbath in order to live into God’s design and not be enslaved to the demands of this world.**
## Personal Challenge
Daily Prayer:
- **Monday**: Read Mark 2:27-28. Reflect on Jesus’ words. Schedule a day to practice a 24 hour Sabbath this week and thank God for this gift to be with Him.
- **Tuesday**: Read Psalm 62:1-8. Sabbath first means “to stop.” What keeps you from “waiting in silence” and finding your hope in God alone?
- **Wednesday**: Read Matthew 11:28-30. Sabbath is for us to find rest in God. Meditate on these verses and bring your burdens to Jesus.
- **Thursday**: Read Psalm 16:11. Sabbath is for us to delight in God. Memorize this verse, confess the places you wrongly look for pleasure, and delight in the presence of God.
- **Friday**: Happy Friday! Finish your paid and unpaid work (bills, groceries, etc) to prepare for your Sabbath.
- **Saturday**: Spend either today or tomorrow practicing a 24 hour Sabbath. Rest from paid and unpaid work. Disconnect from your phone, social media, email and news. Stop, rest, delight, and contemplate the love of God.
- **Sunday**: Spend time reflecting on what God taught you this week about slowing down and being with Him.
## City Group Focus
At City Group, discuss the sermon and passage from the previous gathering on Sabbath. Break into same-gendered groups of 3-4 people and share how you plan to implement a Sabbath in your life. Ask the question: on a scale of 1-10, to what degree are you living out of a spiritual overflow? How might a Sabbath rhythm help you grow in your intimacy with Christ?
## Additional Resources
[Sabbath: An Enduring Principle For the Soul](https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/sabbath-enduring-principle/)