At Citylight Church, we know that the church is NOT a place with programs, but a people with a purpose (1 Peter 2:9-10). As Christians, it’s easy to have a lot of HEAD knowledge that doesn’t impact our HEARTS or our HANDS. This 6-week challenge is designed to help everyone who is a part of Citylight Church to live out their God given purpose as followers of Christ as we prepare to publicly launch on April 4th.
This challenge will hone in on SIX primary foundations that we see in God’s Word that are crucial to an abundant life with Jesus Christ. Here are the six: Prayer, God’s Word, Sabbath, Community, Serving, Discipleship/Evangelism. The first three all relate to our VERTICAL relationship with God and the last three all relate to our HORIZONTAL relationship to each other and the world.
We acknowledge that none of these are revolutionary ideas, but basic foundations to life with Jesus. However, it’s not that we lack HEAD knowledge as the Church, it’s that what we learn doesn’t often translate to what we love (HEART) and how we live (HANDS). The aim of this challenge is to help us integrate all three (head, heart, and hands) into a joyful and purposeful life centered around the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we pray for a movement of church planting in CO and the nations through reaching the next generation.
No matter how long you’ve followed Christ, there is greater joy to be found in our relationship with Him and greater fruitfulness to be born in our relationship with one another and the world. So if you want to grow in your relationship with Christ and live a life that has an eternal impact - this challenge is for you!
Practically, for the next 6-weeks, we will teach from God’s Word on each of the six purposes. At City Groups, we will focus on how we can apply these truths to our lives. In addition, we’ve created a daily personal challenge that relates to the topic of that week and can be found on our App, “Citylight Church Fort Collins.” Our hope is that everyone will engage with these simple daily challenges to be unified as a people with a purpose. Along with the challenge are resources to help you grow in each area. In addition to Sundays and City Groups, we encourage you to meet weekly in a Huddle (same-gendered discipleship group of 3-4 people) and discuss how you are growing and encourage one another to learn Christ, love Christ, and live for Christ.