Week 1
## Main Idea
In order to live as a people with a purpose, we MUST be a people of prayer! Pastor Tim Keller says that prayer is both “seeking personal communion with God and seeking the advance of his kingdom in our hearts and in the world... prayer is both conversation and encounter with God.” Prayer allows us to connect with God and align our hearts with His Kingdom. **The goal of this week is to grow in our prayer life.**
## Personal Challenge
Daily Prayer:
- **Monday**: Read Matthew 6:7-13. Thank God that He is your Heavenly Father and pray that His Kingdom will come and His will be done.
- **Tuesday**: Read Ephesian 3:14-20. Pray over your week! Thank God for His presence and invite Him to empower you by His Spirit for the week ahead.
- **Wednesday**: Read 1 Timothy 2:1-4. Pray for the lost in our community that don’t know Jesus.
- **Thursday**: Read Psalm 67. Pray for the nations and for an international partnership! Pray that God would give us a city to focus on.
- **Friday**: Read Ephesians 6:18. Pray for the church: leadership, those in your City Group and Huddles, for unity, protection and provision.
- **Saturday**: Read Luke 15:4. Pray for the public launch on April 4th... that many lost people would come and respond to the Gospel. That Christians who are disconnected from the body would be catalyzed for the mission of God.
- **Sunday**: Read 1 John 1:9. Confess any known sin and praise God for who he is and the forgiveness he freely gives.
Every Day: Set your alarm on your phone for 10:02 a.m. and when it goes off take time to pray for God to raise up laborers for His Kingdom! (Luke 10:2)
Attend the monthly prayer gathering - Tuesday, Feb. 16th at 7 p.m.
[Zoom Link](https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84752623204)
## City Group Focus
At City Group, discuss the sermon and passage from the previous gathering on prayer. Additionally, spend extended time praying for the lost in our community, for laborers, for the nations, and for the public launch as a large group together. After that, break up into small groups and spend extended time praying for one another. Spend more time in prayer than group discussion.
## Additional Resources
[A Simple Way to Pray Every Day](https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/a-simple-way-to-pray-every-day)