Week 4
## Main Idea
In order to live as people with a purpose, we MUST be a people committed to each other. God is a communal God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and created us to live in community. The Christian life is not an independent private religion, but a personal relationship with Christ lived out in a spiritual family. A spiritual family is authentic, loving, and lives on mission for Jesus. **The goal of this week is to practice living in Biblical community through City Groups and Huddles.**
## Personal Challenge
Daily Prayer:
- **Monday**: Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. Meditate on this verse and why it is so important to belong to a spiritual family. Make plans to attend a City Group.
- **Tuesday**: Read Acts 2:42-47. Use your journal and SOAP. What are the primary characteristics of Christian community you see in the early church?
- **Wednesday**: Read James 5:16. Confess any known sin to God and take time today to confess your sin to another. Ask the other person to pray for you.
- **Thursday**: Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15. Pray for and use your words to encourage 1-2 people today.
- **Friday**: Read Ephesians 4:1-3. Pray that we would be unified - that City Groups and Huddles would experience unity and our whole church would be unified around Jesus.
- **Saturday**: Read John 13:35. Use your journal and SOAP through this verse. Write down the verse, an observation, an application, and a short prayer.
- **Sunday**: Read Hebrews 10:24. Consider how you are living on mission and invite others to live on mission with you. Pray for and invite your ONE to our public launch.
## City Group Focus
At City Group, discuss the sermon and passage from the previous gathering on Community. Have someone share their personal testimony and how being part of a gospel centered community has impacted their lives. At some point, break into same gendered groups of 3-4 and spend time confessing sin, praying for each other, and encouraging one another.
## Additional Resources
[Why the Church Is Vitally Important for Every Christian](https://www.crossway.org/articles/why-the-church-is-vitally-important-for-every-christian/)