Week 2
## Main Idea
In order to live as people with a purpose, we MUST be a people committed to God’s Word. The Bible is God’s inspired Word, written by ordinary men who were inspired through the Holy Spirit. It contains all that we need for life and godliness. It is inerrant, infallible, and authoritative. As a church, it informs everything we do in preaching, City Groups, huddles, and the purposes God created us for. **The goal of this week is to grow in God’s Word.**
## Personal Challenge
Daily Prayer:
- **Monday**: Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Thank God that He speaks through His Word. Pray this week that you would be shaped by His Word.
- **Tuesday**: Read Colossians 3:16. Use your journal and SOAP through this verse. Write down the verse, an observation, an application, and a short prayer.
- **Wednesday**: Read Psalm 1. Delight in God’s Word by memorizing Psalm 1:1-2 by the end of the day.
- **Thursday**: Read Hebrews 4:12. Use your journal and SOAP through this verse. Write down the verse, an observation, an application, and a short prayer.
- **Friday**: Read Psalm 119:9-11. Confess any way you’ve wandered from God’s commandments. Recite Psalm 1:1-2 from memory.
- **Saturday**: Read John 17:17. Jesus prayed that we would be sanctified (set apart/made holy) in truth. Pray for growth as you commit to God’s Word.
- **Sunday**: Read Romans 10:14-17. Use your journal and SOAP through this verse. Continue to pray about your ONE? Who is your ONE you will pray for and invite to our public launch?
## City Group Focus
At City Group, discuss the sermon and passage from the previous gathering on God’s Word. Additionally, spend time sharing what you have learned from God’s Word this week and from the daily challenges. Have a few people in the group share a SOAP from their journal from the previous week. Spend time praying, thanking God for His Word and praying that we would be a people marked by His Word in everything we do.
## Additional Resources
[Why should I trust the Bible?](https://www.gotquestions.org/trust-the-Bible.html)