Week 5
## Main Idea
In order to live as a people with a purpose, we MUST be a people who serve God and each other. The Christian life is centered around a Savior who served by laying down His life as a ransom for our sin. Therefore, Christian serving doesn’t earn God’s love, it’s a response to His love. **The goal of this week is to see that God’s heart is for ALL Christians to serve and that 100% of our church would be committed to serving God and others.**
## Personal Challenge
Daily Prayer:
- **Monday**: Read Mark 10:42-45. Use your journal and SOAP. How does Jesus giving His life as a ransom for us move us to serve others?
- **Tuesday**: Read Romans 12:3-8. Pray that our church would be a people where everyone uses their gifts as one unified body.
- **Wednesday**: Attend the Open House & Prayer night TONIGHT at 7pm. Pray with your serving team or find one to join! (833 South Taft Hill Road)
- **Thursday**: Read Ephesians 4:15-16. Use your journal and SOAP. What does this passage say is the result of each part (person) of the body contributing?
- **Friday**: Read 1 Peter 4:10-11. Pray that God would allow you to serve out of the strength that He supplies.
- **Saturday**: Read John 13:12-17. Use your journal and SOAP. What do Jesus’ words show you about God? About how Christians should live?
- **Sunday**: Reminder! Gathering TODAY at 9:30 am! If you haven’t joined a serving team, sign up at the connection table today.
## City Group Focus
At City Group, discuss the sermon and passages from the previous gathering on Serving. Have someone share their personal testimony about why they serve and why they would encourage others to do so. Discuss the various opportunities to serve and challenge the group to get connected.